Quadrantids in the January Sky

Sunday January 3rd, 2021

Astronomers have known about these ‘shooting stars’ since 1825, but you are just hearing about it. Some have considered renaming them after the constellation Boötes. Then I guess you would have heard them because they would be called the Bootids. Which would make them the funniest named thing in the sky other than Uranus.

Credit: NASA generally not subject to copyright in the United States.

It’s worth it because there are more than a few of them “a maximum rate of about 80 per hour, varying between 60-200.” Plus they only run for a few hours. It’s basically a playoff game of asteroids, or maybe it’s a Super b**l because it’s on SUNDAY, SUNDAY SUNDAY.

Also, their named after this thing:

By Heinz-Josef Lücking, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33119312

I linked a video from jet Propulsion Labs, but it’s last years video. Pre-corona. The best viewing is when the moon is not visible.

Here is some good reading on the subject:

  1. 2021’s Quadrantid meteors marred by moonlight

    2025 Quadrantid meteor shower to peak January 2-3

  2. NASA astronaut shares beautiful image of 2020’s first meteor shower

    NASA astronaut shares beautiful image of 2020’s first meteor shower

  3. Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2020: When, Where & How to See It
