Jupiter/Saturn on their first date in 800 year

Worth taking a look. This is the first romantic encounter between the two great gas giants since March 4, 1226. That’s pretty cool.

Could they be married? It’s good they still wear their rings.

You can see the two planets in the night sky until December 21, 2020. Or maybe sometimes in 2814. If we call 1226 the middle ages, I wonder if in 2814 they will call us the middle ages, the automobile age, or the fidget spinner age. Maybe their will have been too many ages to keep track of.

To be a part of this, all you have to do is look out at the southwest sky.

NASA says “And on December 21st, the two giant planets will appear just a tenth of a degree apart – that’s about the thickness of a dime held at arm’s length! This means the two planets and their moons will be visible in the same field of view through binoculars or a small telescope. In fact, Saturn will appear as close.”



